United Machine works is proud of the relationships we have built with our customers.
We would like to add your company to our list of satisfied customers:
Atlas Castings & Technology
Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations
Breco International, Inc.
Bronco Manufacturing
B-W Grinding Services, Inc.
C & S Metal Fabricators
Campbell Grinder
Confederate Steel, Inc.
Cornerstone Valve
Cotton Bros. Navigation
Dynamic Machine Services
Farmer's Marine Copper
F.W. Gartner
Gulfco, Inc.
H & M Plating Co., Inc.
Houston Hydraulic
Intership Services
Norris Machine Works
NOV Tuboscope
Riten Industries
Rolligon Corporation
Southwestern Processors
Sulzer Pumps
Tejas Research & Engineering
Texas Gulf Coast Machine
Western Rubber & Mfg., Inc.
Williams Electric
W.W. Drilling & Foundation
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